Heart of the Matter: Building Strong Cardiovascular Health

Heart of the Matter: Building Strong Cardiovascular Health

In the Heart of the Matter show you’ll learn the true reason behind today’s epidemic of heart attacks, high cholesterol levels, and abnormal blood pressure. Our guests will reveal the worrying data gathered in their offices, to then tell you how they help thousands of patients bring peace to their cardiovascular system, and safeguard the most important muscle for years. See how many practical actions there are to avoid the number one health condition in modern medicine.

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Heart of the Matter: Building Strong Cardiovascular Health
  • Lipoprotein A - The Really Dangerous Cholesterol

    According to Dr. Joel Kahn, 25% of the population inherit a mutation that forces them to produce a dangerous twin of cholesterol, leading to rapid aging. Could that be you? Or are you in the safe 75%? This Health Bite will tell you how to check which side you’re on.

  • A Dramatic Turnaround from Heart Surgery With This Method

    What would you call a man who skipped heart surgery and decided to follow a rarely recommended program? Considering that he had trouble catching a breath, and cholesterol of over 300… Crazy might be the first word that came to your mind but trust us - this patient’s results after a while were eve...

  • Extensive Panel Of Tests To Determine Your Heart Health Status

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  • Top 3 Myths About Cardiovascular Diseases

    What you believe in will sooner or later determine the direction in which your health is going... Do you still believe that ‘you’ll know’ before you have a heart attack? Dr. Joel Kahn wouldn’t be so sure about that… And many other myths he debunks during this Health Bite.

  • 2 Crucial Tests To Determine Your Arterial Age

    No matter how good your cholesterol, blood pressure, or hormones are… You cannot celebrate being youthful just yet! There’s this one test for less than $100, which will reveal all truth. Is youthfulness in your hands - or - are you rotten inside? See our new addition to the ‘Heart of the Matter: ...

  • Your Arterial Age as #1 Indicator of Your Biological Age

    This theory was out since the 1600s…Yet, somehow we all forgot about it, and let heart diseases take the infamous #1 spot when it comes to causes of death. Recently, we had the great pleasure of interviewing Dr. Joel Kahn, who still respects the medieval knowledge about cardiovascular health, and...