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Release Anxiety and Find Inner Peace Hypnosis (Anxiety Theme)

Harness the Power of Your Subconsciousness with Lai • 30m

Up Next in Harness the Power of Your Subconsciousness with Lai

  • Morning Intention Setting (Anxiety Th...

    "Kickstart your day with a short morning meditation to set a positive intention. This will help you begin your day feeling confident, clear, and free from worry.
    By practicing this morning intention setting regularly, you're not only creating a better day but also nurturing a habit that can trans...

  • Enchanted Sleep Story - Unlock a Bett...

    Allow yourself to be transported to a realm of peace and serenity as you drift off to sleep. This Enchanted Sleep Story is designed to help you release the burdens of worry and stress that you've carried throughout the day, guiding you into a deep, restorative sleep. The more you listen, the more...

  • Daily Affirmations for Anxiety Relief...

    Dive into the transformative world of positive affirmations. This episode features a series of powerful affirmations to boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.